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The Bible was written by about thirty-nine persons over a period dating from about 1700 B.C. to about 100 A.D.
We are told it is the Word of God approximately 2,500 times.
The Wycliffe Bible was the first translation of the English Bible. John Wycliffe was responsible for initiating the translation, which was finished by John Purvey in approximately 1388 A.D.
In approximately 1228 A.D., the Bible was divided into chapters by Stephen Langton.
In approximately 1448 A.D., the Old Testament was divided into verses by R. Nathan.
In approximately 1551 A.D., the New Testament was divided into verses by Robert Stephanus.
(KJV) Old Testament New Testament Total Bible
Number of books 39 27 66
Chapters 929 260 1,189
Verses 23,214 7,959 31,173
Words 592,439 181,253 773,692
Letters 2,728,100 838,380 3,566,480

Longest book of the Old Testament Psalms
Longest book of the New Testament Luke
Shortest book of the Old Testament Obadiah
Shortest book of the New Testament 3 John
Middle book of the Old Testament Proverbs
Middle book of the New Testament 
2 Thessalonians
Middle chapter of the Old Testament Job 29
Middle chapter of the New Testament Romans 13
Shortest chapter in the Bible Psalm 117
Longest chapter in the Bible Psalm 119
Shortest verse in the Old Testament 1 Chronicles 1:25
Shortest verse in the New Testament John 11:35
Longest verse in the Bible Esther 8:9
God occurs 4,379 times
Lord occurs 7,738 times
Fear occurs 397 times
Hell occurs 53 times
Oldest man 969 years-Gen 5:27
Person that had a bed 13 1/2 ft long Deut 3:11
A man with twelve fingers and toes 2 Sam 21:20
A father that had eighty-eight children 2 Chr 11:21

